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Task 3a - Current networks

  Professional Networking is important for our career because we can get jobs just from knowing someone from working together previously on a job for example. Esp, cially dancers who are trying to stay fit, they do this by joining different courses and dance workshops and at the same time they are meeting people who are already outside working in the industry and have experience teaching you or dancing next to you. It’s important to know how to communicate with people you are working with because someday they will help you find a job which can change your career completely. Most of the people who book jobs are seen and known by casting directors, not because they have more talent than let's say other trained dancers. Also you can use the online communication without the development of web 2.0 the use of online networking.

As an artist and human, I am trying to keep my personal and professional networks separate because is keeps thing more professional, as both are really important with different reasons. This is so I can have a profile for myself to express and another to market my goals and aspirations in a way that would appeal to choreographer and important people in the industry.

I use a few forms of online networking such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc.  for my personal life networking and the same time, I can use it as a professional network.  There are some private or open groups online that people post jobs or auditions and so much more.
Also, I use Spotlight and The Stage Job that they are mainly for auditions and are full of professionals.


  1. You re-enforced three key points to me in this blog.
    Firstly, it is so true that being able to communicate in a professional way is a vital skill. Secondly using on-line tools has helps us to keep our practice current and lastly emphasising the need to be aware of keeping our personal and professional profiles separate.


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